Low Pressure Test

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What is the goal of a low pressure test?

By generating low pressure, potential challenges and stresses to which the packaging and the products it contains could be exposed during air transportation are identified. The test focuses on non-porous materials such as bags and bottles within the shipping unit as well as the products itself.

Performing this test helps ensure that the packaging system meets the required standards. By identifying potential weaknesses, targeted improvements can be made to ensure the safety and integrity of the transported goods.

The low pressure test is therefore an important measure to ensure the reliability of packaging systems in the context of air freight transportation.

What happens during a low pressure test?

In a low pressure test, a shipping unit is subjected to a predefined pressure that is either defined by standards or the customer's requirements. It is particularly relevant for non-porous materials, such as those used in packaging or products. A realistic scenario can be created through the targeted simulation of conditions that can occur during transportation by air freight.

The test is particularly important as not all cargo aircraft have a pressurized cabin. During the flight, the air pressure can decrease, especially at altitudes of 4200 meters, which corresponds to an absolute pressure of 595 mbar, at which testing is traditionally carried out. Under these controlled conditions, bags and products can inflate and possibly burst due to the low pressure.

Observations during the low pressure test are carefully documented.

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In which areas are low pressure tests used?

Low pressure tests are mainly used in the transportation sector, where they are crucial to ensure the safety and integrity of packaging systems during transportation by air. In the logistics sector in particular, these tests enable the simulation of real-life conditions that goods may be exposed to during shipping.

Another important area is aviation. Here, these tests are becoming increasingly relevant to ensure that packaging arrives reliably at its destination under specific pressure conditions in the aircraft. This is particularly important for aircraft without a pressurized cabin. It therefore serves to validate performance and safety during air transportation.

Testing ensures the quality and functionality of products in various sectors and the fulfillment of requirements and standards in different industries.

Standards: ASTM D6653 / D6653M

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